Motion & Video Design
A collection of video & motion graphics where I provided creative direction, scripts, organization of logistics & deadlines to motion design partners.
NIC Corporate Branding Video
A break down of the NIC brand, this video takes a deeper look into the organizations mission, using a mix of motion graphics and live footage from events this video tells the story of who NIC is, what they do, and who they serve.
NIC 2019 Fall Conference Intro Graphic
Branded intro motion graphic for conference recaps, future event promotional materials, and post conference video materials.
NIC Talks Intro
Branded motion graphic for intro to TEDx-style presentations designed to educate, challenge and inspire thinking about aging and longevity.
Senior Care Collaboration Branded Motion Graphic
Intro motion graphic for the NIC (National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care) resource center/micro-site which provides curated content, news and resources to inform successful collaboration between seniors housing and healthcare.
Children and Books
Directed, and produced entirely by me, this video was created to enhance awareness about not only teaching children to read, but reading stories directly to them.